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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Margarita Latiesa” ,找到相关结果约3471条。
El turismo cultural en Granada: una oportunidad de diversidad turística
Margarita Latiesa
Altre Modernità , 2012,
Abstract: The article entitled "Cultural Tourism in Granada: Diversity of Tourism Opportunity", shows theoretical various definitions of cultural tourism, as well as characteristics and relation with urban tourism and city. The theoretical framework guides the research carried out in Granada through a survey. Presents the main results found in the research and the Tourism Action Plan for the city of Granada for properly manage, and solve the problems that have become apparent in research.
Turistas deportivos. Una perspectiva de análisis
Latiesa, Margarita,Paniza, José Luis
Revista Internacional de Sociologia , 2006,
Abstract: The interconnection between tourism and sport is actually an evidence in the advanced societies. This relation is evident in the interest that show different organizations (publics and privates) and in the coordination of efforts to increase the policies of proceedings and to improve the ties of union between both discipline. Our contribution in these pages has diverse objectives. First, analyze in a theoretical level the contributions realized about the conceptualization and classification of sports tourism. Secondly, we try to examine the existing models analyses in the sports tourism and to propose an alternative model. Finally, we offer some figures that allow to identify the profile of the sport tourist and the trends of future for this sector La interconexión entre turismo y deporte es una evidencia en las sociedades avanzadas. Esta relación se manifiesta en el interés que muestran diferentes organismos (públicos y privados) hacia este binomio y en la coordinación de esfuerzos para incrementar las políticas de actuación y mejorar los lazos de unión entre ambas disciplinas. Nuestra contribución en estas páginas tiene diversos objetivos. En primer lugar, analizar a nivel teórico las aportaciones realizadas sobre la conceptualización y clasificación del turismo deportivo. En segundo lugar, pretendemos examinar los modelos de análisis existentes en el turismo deportivo y proponer un modelo alternativo. Finalmente, se ofrecen algunas cifras que permiten identificar el perfil del turista deportivo y ofrecer las tendencias de futuro para este sector.
Differentiation of Social Roles and Life Domains as Predictor and Promoter of Flourishing  [PDF]
Margarita Bakracheva
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2019.108077
Abstract: The article outlines the predicting effects of the self-congruence, attachment, stress, anxiety, depression, and happiness, on flourishing. The differentiation of social roles and life domains is included as a supposed pathway to flourishing and well-being promotion. 359 volunteers completed self-congruence, stress, anxiety and depression, relationships, happiness, differentiation and flourishing self-reporting scales and incomplete sentences on the daily way they differentiate their life domains and social roles as a form of preventive and proactive coping. In the hierarchical model, the accounted flourishing dispersion is 84% with predictors’ differentiation, happiness, low depression and relationships avoidance. In addition, the main effect of differentiation on both flourishing and all its predictors is reported. This leads to the conclusion on the importance of interventions to equip individuals with good differentiation abilities throughout life cycle.
Coping Effects on Life Meaning, Basic Psychological Needs and Well-Being  [PDF]
Margarita Bakracheva
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2019.1010090
Abstract: The article outlines the effects of the proactive coping on well-being in a convenient sample comprising 350 Bulgarians, aged 18 - 55. Volunteers were administered self-assessment instruments, describing coping strategies, basic psychological needs, life purpose, resilience, conspiracy beliefs, happiness and life satisfaction. Results reveal that the proactive coping predicts life satisfaction and happiness, autonomy, competence and relatedness as basic needs. Presence of life meaning and search for meaning are confirmed to be quite opposite constructs. Presence of meaning is negatively related to coping strategies and well-being. For this sample adaptive and well-being promoter is search of meaning and less reliance on fixed commitments, expressed in the presence of meaning. This suggests that if person prefers to maintain commitments without further exploration, this prevents development and lowers the level of well-being.
The Meanings Ascribed to Happiness, Life Satisfaction and Flourishing  [PDF]
Margarita Bakracheva
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2020.111007
Abstract: This study aims at describing what happiness, life satisfaction, and flourishing mean for the respondents and did the previously generated associations influence the self-reported levels of well-being. The design of the study is cross-sectional, qualitative and quantitative. The sample comprises 351 volunteers aged 20 - 55, divided into two groups. Both groups have been administered happiness and life satisfaction scales and PERMA profiler. One of the groups simply replied to the self-reported scales, while the volunteers from the second group have been asked to generate free associations of words/ expressions they relate to the happiness, life satisfaction, and flourishing prior to reply to the self-report scales. The results reveal that the free generated associations for happiness, life satisfaction, and flourishing, have common, however different meaning. Happiness turns out to be linked mostly with intrinsic predictors, e.g. love, balance and harmony, whereas life satisfaction comprises extrinsic (self-realization, success) and intrinsic factors (close people, positive emotions). Flourishing is most of all explained by similar concepts (happiness, life satisfaction) and also relates both to extrinsic and intrinsic domains (career, satisfaction; love, and joy). Previously generated associations have no effect on the reported experienced happiness and life satisfaction and have partial effect on the flourishing scales. The positive emotions and relations are not influenced; however self-reflection is related to the cognitive variables. When respondents have first thought about what flourishing means for them, they give lower scores for accomplishment, engagement and life meaning. This suggests that well-being is related to different intrinsic and extrinsic predictors that follow different pathways and this is one of the keys for promotion of flourishing.
Identity in Adulthood—Stable or Flexible  [PDF]
Margarita Bakracheva
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2020.84001
Abstract: The traditional approach to identity is focused on research of identity attainment in adolescence and early adulthood. Research of identity in adulthood is scarce, but outlines interesting perspectives. This article is focused on the specific features, typical for the transitional periods of identity reformulation throughout lifespan as adaptive response to the experienced contextual specificity. 703 Bulgarian volunteers in total, aged 18 - 60, were administered EOMEIS-2 in two different periods2008 and 2018. The main objective of the study is three-fold: 1) to account changes in identity statuses distribution in the two time points2008 and 2018; 2) to describe the most preferred identity status for adults in Bulgaria; and 3) to outline the most frequent statuses as ensuring the best adaptation of the person to the context. The general results reveal that there is no change in the distribution of the identity statuses. 82% of the adults prefer
Psicología social histórica: teoría y construcción de conocimientos
Espacios en blanco. Serie indagaciones , 2011,
Abstract: this paper is about the relevance of considering historical perspective in social psychology as a way to distinguish epistemic logic, articulated with more comprehensive political and cultural processes, in a practical-technical field characterized by theoretical-conceptual heterogeneity. a discipline is presented in which multiple perspectives converge, and at the same time it intends to recover the ideas of classical authors such as meyerson and elías because of the present relevance of their psychosocial views in the comprehension of the intricate individual-collective articulation, as well as in the necessary reflection about research in social sciences and social psychology. finally, an argument is developed to support a historical social psychology capable of posing questions to both the effects of subjectivity and the ways of production of knowledge, yet clearly focused on the study and transformation of problems that affect society and, in particular, victims.
Teorías implícitas sobre comprensión textual y la competencia lectora de estudiantes de primer a?o de la Universidad de Magallanes
Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia) , 2011, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-07052011000100013
Abstract: this article is about the study of the implicit theories regarding the text comprehension of university students and its relationship with the level of reading competence. the implicit theories become relevant because they would guide the actions of the individuals interacting with the reading competence, restricting or activating different reading strategies. to identify the implicit theories of the students a questionnaire of implicit theories on text comprehension was applied (makuc, 2009). the reading competence of the students was dealt with a battery of tests on text comprehension (parodi, 2005). this study enabled us to establish the prevalence of two implicit theories about the comprehension: the interactive and the literary; in relation to the reading competence. the students who achieved higher levels were those who adhered to the interactive implicit theory.
O imprescindível aporte das ciências sociais para o planejamento e a compreens?o do turismo
Barretto, Margarita;
Horizontes Antropológicos , 2003, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-71832003000200002
Abstract: the aim of this article is to discuss that tourism planning needs the support of social sciences, presenting a quick review of social sciences studies on tourism and raising crucial problems in tourism planning that could be lessened with the help of anthropological and sociological research.
La actitud linguística en la comunidad de habla de Magallanes: aproximación a sus componentes básicos
Magallania (Punta Arenas) , 2011, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-22442011000200008
Abstract: the spoken language of the region of magallanes gathers a series of characteristics which give the regional speaker a cultural singularity. it is important to highlight that geography, cattle raising activity and weather, among other contextual factors that surround the people in the southern patagonia (martinic, 2006), are manifested in different ways in the dialectal variation of the region, which has preserved linguistic features from its geographical isolation condition (makuc, 2010a, martinic y buratovic, 2007). dialectal variation constitutes an aspect identifed in different studies (oroz, 1965, araya, 1973, makuc, 1999, 2008, 2010a). a relevant aspect in the conservation of linguistic variants is due to a favorable linguistic attitude which characterizes the magellan speaking community and allows that the variants at different levels of the language stay and survive in a world increasingly homogenizing. (hudson, 1981, lópez morales, 1989, 1994; silva, 1989; blas, j. 1999) the study about he attitude of the speakers towards the various manifestations of the variation of the language has been carried out from the data obtained in the cities of punta arenas, puerto natales and tierra del fuego island in the framework of the regional identity survey developed for the study of identity[2] (makuc, 2010a). the results show the prevalence of a positive attitude of the speakers towards the uses of spanish in the region, it is highly recognized and accepted the fact that magellan people have a particular way of speaking as well as an accent that distinguishes them from the rest of the inhabitants of the country, these variations of standard spanish are valued positively and as a feature that strengthens the identity of the inhabitants.

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